We offer a tailored suite of solutions designed to revolutionize your gaming business and take advantage of your data.

Harness the power of cutting-edge AI technologies and data-driven insights to unlock untapped revenue streams, optimize player experiences, and drive sustainable growth for your gaming company, with the expertise and guidance of our data services consultancy.


- Projects

Server-Side Development

We build robust and scalable server-side solutions to ensure smooth, reliable and secure gaming experiences, supporting high traffic and complex functionalities.

Data Integrations

We integrate data from various sources to provide a unified view, enhancing analytics, decision-making, and overall game management.

Generative AI

We use generative AI to create immersive content, unique game scenarios, and engaging player experiences, pushing the boundaries of creativity.

Churn Prediction

We develop models to predict player churn, enabling proactive engagement strategies to retain players and reduce turnover.

Dynamic Pricing Optimization

We optimize in-game pricing dynamically based on player behavior and market trends, maximizing revenue and player satisfaction.

Ad Placement Optimization

We enhance ad placement strategies to ensure ads are relevant and engaging, boosting ad revenue without disrupting gameplay.

Cross-Platform User Tracking

We track user activity across platforms to provide a seamless and consistent gaming experience, improving player retention and engagement.

Fraud Detection

We implement advanced fraud detection systems to identify and prevent cheating, ensuring a fair and secure gaming environment.

Social Network Analysis

We analyze social interactions within the game to understand player communities, enhance social features, and drive player engagement.

LTV Calculation

We calculate the lifetime value (LTV) of players to inform marketing strategies and maximize long-term profitability.

API's Integration

We develop and integrate APIs to enhance connectivity between systems, improving functionality and streamlining game operations.

A/B Testing

We conduct A/B testing to optimize game features, user interfaces, and marketing strategies, ensuring data-driven improvements.

Predictive Player Spending

We use predictive analytics to forecast player spending, enabling targeted marketing and personalized in-game offers.

Cross-Game Data Integration

We integrate data across multiple games to provide comprehensive insights and enhance overall player experience and engagement.

Personalized Recommendations

We deliver personalized game and content recommendations based on player behavior and preferences, boosting engagement and satisfaction.